It was presented in a recent survey that the average penis size of a man in the erect state is between 5.5 - 6 inches. The average depth of the vagina of women is about 4 inches. So you can notice here that the average size of penis men is pretty sufficient.
But just like any other debate if you ask women then they will say that they prefer man with bigger penis for sexual relationship. So you can say that to fulfill women’s demand today you can see a large number of men are very inclined towards penis products and as a result the penis enlargement industry is growing day by day.
Below are some of the methods and products which are generally used to enlarge the penis
Penis Enlargement Pills
It is the most common and painless way to increase the size. These pills are side effect free in nature so it becomes the preferred choice of most of the men.
VigRX and VigRX Plus are best in the market and are highly popular among men not only to increase penis size but to cure other sexual problems as well.
Vacuum pump to enlarge your penis
These pumps come with the cylindrical tube and electric or manual driven pump. You need to insert your penis in the tube and create vacuum around it by pumping. When the vacuum is created it draws blood in to the penile region. This helps to make your penis thicker and bigger.
Penile exercise to enlarge your penis
Most natural way to get bigger penis, if used in conjunction with the other supplements like herbal penis enlargement pills then better results can be achieved.
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