Friday, July 31, 2009

Yoga to Find Satisfaction of Sex

Having great sex on regular basis is more than enjoyment and it’s also good for your health. The people who have active in sex they tend to live longer and very low chance of heart disease. According to studies during orgasm in weekly thrice help to maintain consistence of your health. In fact sex can fight against stress, depression and obesity, sex is a natural appearance of love.
You can achieve better sex with yoga, doing yoga regular basic makes you stronger, flexible and more confident on bed during sex. It’s really true how long you spend on mat, more than that much of time you can perform extraordinary sex one bed. Yoga one kind of power that gives you lots of energy not even during sex but also help to get rid of psychological problems.

The positions of yoga build up strength, power and stamina, however same poses you can apply in sex with your partner. Yoga helps to achieve self acceptance, self confidence and great concentration. The best suggestion is that practice yoga with your sex partner gives lots of benefits, when you engaged in sex you both feel very flexible in yoga poses. Doing yoga with your partner makes grow closeness in relationship, which makes you get great sexual satisfaction.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Benefits from Regular Sex

Improve sexual health

Sex is a major part of life of a couple. Some do this for pleasure, some do this to reduce the stress and some are really passionate in nature so sex is must for them. But what you all must not know that regular sexual activity also helps to improve your health. So now let’s see what those benefits are:

To keep your self fit and to burn the calories

If you want to elope from the tedious workout schedule then you’ll have to hit your bedroom. Yes, sexual activity really burns a lot of calories. So if you are regular in it then no one can stop you from being perfect in shape. Regular sexual activity burns up to 200 calories in 30 minutes.

Sexual performance to boost health

To keep your heart healthy

Hormone DHEA is released during orgasm, this hormone is really helpful in keeping your heart healthy. If you are involved in sexual activity thrice a week then it reduces the risks of heart attack by 50%.

Men and their sexual health

To reduce the risk of ejaculation

Reduce health risk with regular sex

To look Good

Regular sexual activity increases the levels or testosterone and oxygen. This helps to get you shine in your hair and glow in your face. Well not bad I must say….

Sexual health and you

To be relaxed and stress free

This benefit is obvious as after a good and satisfying sexual session you do feel relaxed and happy.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eat Healthy Diet to Get Better Sexual Health

The most medical professionals would agree a healthy balanced diet is most important aspect to maintain good health. Medical experts suggested healthy diet can get back your sexual desire. Low energy and stamina are the common factors of erectile dysfunction, eating healthy diet can reduce these kinds of disorders. Here some suggestions to maintain good health.

Garlic helps you to enhance your sexual stamina, there are number of health benefits with garlic, including being antibacterial, supports immune system, and an aphrodisiac. Garlic is a vast ingredient because we can use garlic for multiple dishes and also in drugs. Eating garlic as raw is most effectual to health, eat garlic at least two or three nibble for a day for better health.

Onion is another best ingredient to enhance your sexual performance, it is also provides similar health benefits such as improving overall sexual health and desire. Medical experts approved onion is the most effective ingredient to boost your sexual health. Eat around 100 grams of carrots daily to get maximum advantage. Raisins and dried dates are giving more energy to fight against erectile dysfunction or other sexual problems, because both contain high quality of fiber which gives continued sexual energy. Ginger can play vital role to get rid of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, mix two spoons of ginger in juice or milk to get enormous strength.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jes Extender for bigger penis and penis curvature correction

Men having small penis want bigger one without the scary surgery. As a result they always look out for the new methods and products to enlarge their penis. Jes extender is one of the best penis enlargement device sold worldwide.

Jes extender is based on the principle of traction. In this mechanism the appropriate pressure is applied on the penis, the traction force starts working on the penile tissues and starts to get multiplied in order to produce new cells. The result is clearly visible in the flaccid as well as in the erect state.

It has been observed from recent past that surgeries only increase the penis size in flaccid state. Whereas Jes extender works in both the states and increases the size girth wise as well.

Jes extender also improves the erections and ejaculation problems. Generally it is advised to wear the device for 2-8 hours every day. In the beginning you must wear it all 7 days of the week up to 4 months. The size acquired by this device stays with the man permanently.

Recent surveys regarding Jes Extender proves the mettle of this device which suggests that within four months men achieve the desired results with jes extender.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Androgen Deficiency

When men become aged, mostly they experience symptoms such as lack of sexual desire and impotence as an outcome of low levels of testosterone. 300ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter) of testosterone is low testosterone and other hand free testosterone is defined less than 5ng/dl.

Low testosterone can indicates lower than normal amount of male hormones, hormones are the substance messengers, they interact with tissue in the body and help to bring many changes. Androgen are the collection of sex hormones that provide male characteristics, it contain sexual reproductive function. Androgen deficiency means less than normal amount of androgen , mainly testosterone. They are also liable to increase secondary sexual characteristics in men such as beard, vocal cords, and physical body.

Testosterone is the most important sex hormone in men, which is produced in the male sex glands. The main symptoms of androgen deficiency are lack of sexual desire, over sweating, fatigue, stress, depression, decrease muscle strength and etc. Testosterone levels steadily decrease after the age of 40. The main important thing about testosterone still not fully understood why testosterone levels fall down in old people. You can maintain testosterone levels while doing physical activity but too much physical activity can be the cause of low testosterone.

Penis Enlargement Patches to enlarge your penis without pills

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Penis patches are the latest craze in the penis enlargement industry. These patches are as effective as penis pills i.e. you will get the desired results like

- Increase in penis size

- Longer and firmer erections

- More active and fulfilling sexual life

- Permanent gain in the size

These patches are based on the dermal patch technology, in which the ingredients are inserted in the body via skin.

The ingredients of the patches are potent in nature and once the patch is stick to the skin the ingredients gets instantly absorbed into the dermal layer of the skin. The main advantage of this product is that it doesn’t travel from through the digestive system before entering into the blood stream. Instead it is directly absorbed into the bloodstream and thus it starts working immediately.

The V-RX Penis Enlargement patches use a pure herbal formula which is infused into a small, discreet dermal patch, which sticks to the body’s less hairy part. Just like any other hormone patches this patch too introduces the formula into the bloodstream directly to work in effective manner.

These patches are ideal for those men who face difficulties in following the routine of pills is difficult and who don’t want to go for enlargement surgeries.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Psychological Impotence

Man experiences impotence for the first time in his life, the primary impulse is thinks about his medical condition. That could be start of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and other medical condition are known to cause impotence. Medication, much alcohol, smoking, and drug abuse are other causes of erectile dysfunction.

If you will not find any medical causes of your lack of erection, that could be a nonphysical causes of erectile dysfunction. However most of the time erectile dysfunction is a psychological issue, the main psychological causes for impotence are inhibited sexual desire, anxiety disorder, stress, mental fatigue, depression and other relationship problems. You could not become impotent excessive masturbation, but you may get lack of erection if you masturbate too much. It’s completely wrong statement “too much masturbation is the cause of erectile dysfunction”. Undue masturbation can lead to penile injuries in some exception cases but it would not reason for erectile dysfunction.

The well known fact is that most men feel experience psychological impotence at least once in their life span. Anxiety and depression are the most common causes of psychological impotence. In some cases it can be very difficult to find whether stress and anxiety disorders cause impotence. However you no need to worry about psychological impotence because impotence cures available in market.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Testosterone Hormone – Requisite to boost your sex drive

Low testosterone booster

Testosterone is not an exclusive hormone which is only found in men. Women too have this hormone but in somewhat lesser quantities.

The basic purpose of this hormone is to boost your libido, provide energy and thus improve your immune system. It is produced in much larger quantities in men; it is produced in testes and in the adrenal glands which is located near the pancreas.

Testosterone is a natural steroid which is produced inside the body; it is derived from the healthy amount of cholesterol which is involved in the balanced diet.

Boost Libido

It’s not true that this hormone is produced only after puberty; in fact the hormone is produced shortly after birth and provides the help which body needs to grow. These hormones also have a part in the functionality of brain and sexual development of body.

Testosterone helps in body growing during puberty. It helps to enlarge the male sexual organ including the penis size, heart and lungs etc. The occurrence of pubic hair, body odour and facial hair is also due to this hormone.

This hormone also has its part in increasing the body height. It also improves the male fertility and increases the stability and strength of muscle.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Causes of Impotence – Do you want to know?

As a man your sexual life very much depends on the erections you are getting. When a man gets an erection his penis gets filled up with the blood due to the enlargement of the blood vessels which allows the increased blood flow.

When you are not getting the proper erection to indulge yourself in a sexual activity then there are the chances that you might suffer from erectile dysfunction. There are several other causes attached to it which can be responsible for impotence.

- Physical problems or disease like diabetes, kidney problems, multiple sclerosis, vascular problems, chronic alcoholism, or neurological problems can be the cause of impotence.

- If you have undergone the prostate or bladder surgery for cancer and your penile tissues are hurt by any chance then you may get impotence due to that.

- Injuries to the spinal cord, bladder, pelvic tissues and prostate can trouble you and result in erectile dysfunction.

- Drugs for blood pressure, depression, tranquilizers can also cause impotence.

- Psychological problems like stress, anxiety, depression, low self esteem too are the reasons for impotence.

- Men who suffer from prostate problems like enlarged prostate may get erectile dysfunction due to this.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Get rid of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual disorder. The term premature ejaculation defines ejaculation occurs before he wants to during intercourse, commonly it would happens age after 40’s. Some men would think that reaching orgasm thirty or forty seconds into sex is too fast. Most men may consider a few minutes enough, where as other would not sustain erection. It’s not sure but some health professionals describe premature ejaculation affects as many as one out of four men. Although it’s a common problem that can be treatable, but people feel uncomfortable to discuss about their problem with partner or doctor to seek treatment. Both Physical and psychological health could be reason for premature ejaculation.

Early ejaculation can be dealing with natural ways such as masturbating and kegal exercise, when you do this regular basis you can achieve sustaining power while doing sex with your partner. In other hand there are lots of medications and products are available which can treat premature ejaculation. coolmann delay gel is one of the best product to get rid premature ejaculation, it’s very simple to use when you apply to the penis then it’s helps you to have sex for longer, and it’s safe for both partners.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Small penis size and the ways to enlarge it

Penis size is and has always been a sensitive issue for men. You can say that if they have bigger one then they are extremely proud of it and if they don’t have it then they are really ashamed of it.

What ever way you see this, penis is an extremely important sex organ of man. Small penis size come across as a really embarrassing problem for men, they want the solution but feel really embarrass to discuss it.

Today, if you are suffering from problems like this then you can gather the information about the solutions yourself only. To cut short, let me give you a brief idea about the options available for enlarging the penis size.

Herbal pills are the first and foremost options; the reason is because they are side effect free and really effective in enlargement. The herbs which are stored in these pills are really effective to boost the sexual health of men and have been used since ages.

Other famous options are enhancement pumps, basically the use of these penis pumps is to improve the erections but their regular and proper usage helps to increase the penis size as well. Only thing you must take care is before using these devices read the instructions manual carefully to avoid any kind of malfunctioning.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sperm count and semen volume – Learn more about them

When a man ejaculations or fully sexually aroused then the combo of sperm and semen flow to leave the body. The place where testicles are produced is testicle, further they move to the epididymis after being mature.

Sperm then traverse up to hair like projections called “cilia” and furthermore they move forward to meet the semen.

Semen is made of several different fluids from the different part of male reproductive system. A bladder like small cell which contains semen then secretes high energy fluid which provides such energy to sperm so that it can traverse by itself. The prostate in the body of a man secretes about one third of the seminal fluid.

When a man gets erections, the Cowper’s glands in the body of man releases a small amount of fluid known as “pre ejaculate”. The basic purpose of this fluid is to clean the urethra of urine because the urine is hostile to sperm.

The seminal vesicle secretes a high-energy fluid that “energizes” sperm so they can swim by themselves. The prostate secretes about 1/3 of seminal fluid. Shortly after a man gets an erection, the Cowper's glands secrete a small amount of fluid called “pre-ejaculate” or “pre-cum,” a fluid that cleans the urethra of urine, since urine is hostile to sperm.

Every ejaculation releases quite a decent amount of semen provided the man is sexually and physically fit. This released semen contains several hundred millions of sperm. When this sperm contracts with its vaginal counterpart then you can say that this mix results in pregnancy.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Natural herbal treatment for penis problems

Most men all over the world are whirling their eyes in the direction of safer treatment for their sexual problems. Everyone would like to prefer herbal methods to increase penis size because they are not allied with any side effects. If someone suffering from erectile dysfunction or micro penis syndrome then the best way to get it cured is using male enlargement pills. Penis enhancement pills gaining popularity gradually as these pills are totally herbal in nature.

Earlier day’s people were recommended to go for surgery or any other surgical treatment for penis associated problems. With the presence of male enlargement pills they could kick away their painful problem. People always think to get instant results but it may not happen in surgical treatment, and there is a chance getting other side effects after wards.

The best thing about male enlargement pills is that they are made up with natural ingredients which do not pose any other side effect on to your normal health as well as sexual health. Penis enhancement pills give affirmative results in the form of good erection and increased ejaculation time, enhance sex drive. Penis enlargement pumps and penis enlargement creams are the other options to increase penis size.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

About Premature Ejaculation and its effects

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Ejaculation is the feeling or activity which is carried out or occurs as a result of physical and mental stimulation. When a man is sexually aroused the seminal fluids inside his body gets accumulated or build up. When the seminal fluids are pushed out of the penis at that time the ejaculation occurs.

Improper ejaculation appears as big and embarrassing problem to men. Generally men face two sorts of ejaculation problems first one is the premature or rapid ejaculation and the other one is the delayed or inhibited ejaculations.

As the name suggest in premature ejaculations the ejaculations occur sooner than desired where the vice versa occurs in delayed ejaculations in which the man may not be able to ejaculate at all.

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There are several factors which are responsible for ejaculation problems, some of which are spinal cord injury, side effects from medications etc. Mostly younger men suffer from this problem the reason for them can be excitement of getting into sexual activity. Older men suffer from this problem due to lack in sexual stamina.

Several gels like delay cream and sprays like stud spray are available which can give you relief from this problem.

Natural ingredients to increase male sex stamina

Natural ingredients to increase male sex stamina

Most men wanted to get super hard erection to satisfy his partner and bigger penis size leads to feel great sex. Longer erection is also sign of great men fecundity, shows a longer sex drive but a soft erection sign of male weakness and other sexual problems.

Healthy man may not be facing any problem in his sexual life because of his quality semen and harder male fertility.

Some ingredients which helps to increase male sexual stamina:

Swedish flower - Pollen as the men cell of the plant kingdom, has a richly deserved standing for extra vim, vigor and virility. It produce all the boosters that are sign for the sex hormones and essential for health reproductive systems.

L- ARGININE HCL – studies describes sperm and semen volume doubles, fertility develops and sperm health and activity increase with supplementation.

CATUABA BARK Brazilian herb that vigor the libido, and promotes the entire male reproductive system.

L-LYSINE - Studies find that this amino acids plus zinc enlarge sperm produced, stimulates testosterone production, and develop semen quality and quantify.

ZINC ASPARTATE - Zinc is necessary for growth and proper functioning of the reproductive organs and normal functioning of the prostate gland.

These all ingredients help to maintain healthy sex drive, and penis enlargement pills made up with natural herbal products which not only help to increase penis size but also improve sexual stamina and power.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Know about Erectile Dysfunction

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The most common kind of sexual problem which a man faces in his life is erection problem, in some men this problem is minor so get cured by the medications and other exercises, where as when it gets transformed in to erectile dysfunction then it becomes a comparatively bigger problem for you.

Well for your knowledge let me explain you that erectile dysfunction which is other words known as erectile dysfunction is the repeated inability of a man to achieve and maintain erections, which is the important requisite for a successful sexual intercourse.

Erectile dysfunction does not include the problems associated with low sexual desire or infertility or absence of orgasm as the cause. But certainly there are physical problems which are responsible for erectile dysfunctions like poor blood flow in the genitals. Psychological causes like anxiety, stress and depression etc too play a big role in erectile dysfunction problem.

Today, if you are suffering from this problem then you don’t need to worry, only thing which is expected from you to act fast and in the correct direction to cure your problem. There are both prescription and non prescription medications and therapy is available which are effective and quite successful in curing this problem, only thing to consider is choose the correct product for you.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Penis enhancement pills to spark off your sex life

Penis enlargement is a method to enlarge penis size, which is also known as a male enhancement technique. There are different kinds of techniques being used for the function of making the human penis larger and bigger. These consist of several kinds of methods like penis enlargement pills, penis exercises, penis enhancement pumps, and penis enlargement creams.

Penis enlargement methods can change into better sexual life. Commonly people always go for natural treatments like herbal penis enhancement pills consequently to avoid side effects and pain. By using these pills you would feel proud because you would be able to get back your sex stamina to satisfy your partner in sexual intercourse. The enjoyment that you can give to your partner she feels like a precious gift. Penis enhancement pills will work while improving blood flow in to penis so that the enlargement of the penis happen then you would get full erection to satisfying your partner. Penis enhancement pills not only increase penis size and also work to improve your sexual performance and helps in get rid of impotence and premature ejaculation.

Vigrx is a well known drug available as herbal natural penis enhancement pills, Vigrx made up with pure natural supplements.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Masturbations and its relation with Sexual Health

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Sexual health of a man have various dimensions to it, there are some issues related to only individual self. Some activities are only done for individual pleasure and masturbation is one of those activities. Today you can get wide varieties of products from sex toys to prostate massagers to fulfill your desire and get individual pleasure.

Masturbation actually means touching one’s own genitals to get the sexual pleasure. No it’s not embarrassing, instead it’s a health practice which is done a large number of people both men and women at some point of time in their life. Although it’s not a compulsory behavior which you expect for all men and women, some even choose not to masturbate as well.

Frequent masturbation too is not harmful both physically and psychologically unless men and women are not bunking their daily routine to do so. If you have never been involved in a sexual act then masturbation will let you experience the sexual stimulation.

Men who suffer from sexual problems like premature ejaculations or erection problems, they can get relief through masturbation. There are several sex toys and prostate massagers are available in the market today which you can use to do masturbation.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some Penis Enlargement Treatment can do harm

Every one knows that sex is the best part of relationship, but lots of people till not realize about other benefits of sex. Just think about your penis size and your sexual life, are you really enjoying sexual life and are you really giving maximum satisfaction to your partner. If not there are so many penis enlargement treatments are available. But some of these treatments can do harm to your normal and sexual life.

Surgical Treatment:

Basically there are two kinds of surgical methods are involved in penis enlargement operation.

1) Penis girth enhancement: congeal of the penis.

2) Penis lengthening: making the penis longer.

Penis enlargement operation also called as phalloplasty, but it is not perfect operation you may get problems during sexual intercourse.

Penis Weights:

Penis weights procedure is another method to increase your penis; it is also very dangerous some times often you can not control the force of the weights. There are chance to get serious injures to your manhood and these are not tested and verified.

If you’re really interested to getting bigger penis, Penis Enlargement Pills are the best option because there is no side effects and these pills are the purely natural herbal products and pain free.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Herbal Penis Products for Sexual Problems

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As a human being each one of us suffers from health problems at some point of time in our life. Sexual problems are not an exception, though they are difficult to discuss publicly. But they are not a big deal today, as the solutions are available for this.

But you must be wondering as every problem has a solution meant for it, but rarely the solution works. So how can you trust the solutions available for sexual problems?

Well!! Of course you can’s trust every remedy, because many false and fraud claims too are in the queue to lure about them. So research about the product before going for it is a must in this case.

One of the main problems with the products associated with sexual problems cure are the side effects after using them. So men always look out for the products which can give effective results as well as are side effect free.

Herbal products fall in this category and are the apt choice to cure sexual problems. Being prepared from the natural and herbal ingredients makes them 100% natural and side effect free. Only suggestion given about these products is to look for their ingredients first and if you have allergy with any of the ingredient of these products, then you must not take the product.

Sexual problems of men generally fall around small penis size, premature ejaculations, low sperm count, reduced sex drive, poor erections etc. Thankfully herbal products for all such problems are available today. In fact for small penis size effective medication is available in the form of VigRX pills which are very popular and have facts which support the effectiveness of this pill.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Penis Erections and its Importance

An erection occurs as a result of change in the blood veins, muscles and nerves of the penis. In an erection the penis of a man becomes stiff and gets enlarged.

As the blood flows in and out of the penis the erections occurs.

The main parts of penis which are involved in erections are

Corpora Cavernosa: These are the cylindrical tissues attached to the penis, responsiblem for filling in the blood.

Tunica: Tough outer sheath around the corpora which limits the expansion of the corora.

Corpus Spongeosum: A cylinder of tissue between the two corporas. It contains the urethra which passes the semen and the urine.

How an erection occurs?

There are various physical and psychological activities associated which are responsible for the occurrence of penis erection. The flows of the erections are as follows:

- Some tender touch, scenes, sounds, fantasies make you sexually aroused.

- These gestures send the signal out from a part of the brain called para ventricular nucleus.

- These signals reach the spinal cord and to the corpora cavernosa and the arteries that fills in the penis with blood.

- The fibres in the corpora thus relax and let the blood fill in.

- The increased blood flow further expands the sheath of the penis.

- As the sheath of the penis gets stretched it prevents the other veins to take off the blood from there. Thus the blood gets trapped in the penis which increases the pressure inside the penis and as a result penis becomes erect.

- During an erection the pressure of blood in the penis becomes twice to its original circulation.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Penis Pumps – New treatment of Peyronie’s disease

What is Peyronie’s disease?

This penis problem is associated with the curvature of the penis and often considered as the embarrassing problem. If a man is suffering from this problem then the bend of the penis can be significantly more pronounced, due to which you may feel embarrassment in front of your partner and even the sexual intercourse too becomes pretty painful.

Who gets affected by this problem?

Generally it has been observed that men over the age of 40 mostly get affected due to this. Sexual intercourse becomes painful with the curve in your penis. Men who are suffering from peyronie’s disease may further suffer from the varying degrees of sexual dysfunction.

There are more psychological side effects associated with peyronie’s disease which includes depression, embarrassment and lack of interest in sex which trouble a man more than the visible physical problem.

Penis Pumps for Peyronie’s disease

Earlier no particular treatments were available to correct the curvature of the penis, but today it has been observed that penis pumps help to treat this problem up to certain extent.

Men often feel embarrassed to discuss these problems with the doctors, so to them this option brings up the wind of hope.

Traction devices and penis extenders involve the gentle vacuum action. Men who have used such devices have given their verdict that they have not only observed a decrease in the curvature, but also an increase in the length of the penis.

The Fast Solution for Small Penis

Penis Enlargement Pills is a straightforward answer to the returning question like how can you get bigger penis, penis enhancement pills to acts up your penis to a bigger length and girth. It will take a few days to make extensive alterations to your penis measurements.

Most men are finding ways to get a longer penis. The sell of penis enhancement treatment such as male enhancement pills and vacuum pumps has becoming popular in the past decade. Recent surveys describes some male enlargement pills dangers that might be cause health problems but not all male enlargement pills. Vigrx and Vigrx plus are the well known male enhancement drugs.

Herbal male enhancement pills are the most popular and successful treatment to get longer penis. This treatment is fully painless and genuine; also these pills getting advanced day by day in quality and it can treat other sexual problems like premature ejaculation and Impotence.

Vigrx contain natural ingredients like Asian ginseng that is help to increase sexual performance of men, Saw Palmetto Berry which prevent testosterone and natural penis enlargement pills contain hawthorn berry, Ginkgo Billba Leaf , cuscuta seed extract, muira pauma bark extract these all ingredients helps you to increase sexual performance.